Wear it Purple Day 2020

Wear it Purple Day 2020

11:12 02 September in Member News

Has lockdown left you feeling blue?  Why not brighten it up a notch and go for purple (or Blueberry for Bluebell) on Friday the 16th October by taking part in our “Wear it Purple Day!”  An alternative to your next dress down day it’s a great way to support the children and families, whilst ensuring your teams have a bit of fun either in the work place, or working from home!

Whether you look polished in plum, lovely in lilac, marvellous in mauve, or va va voom in violet, whatever your tone – get your teammates together and raise money for Bluebell Wood and put the fun back into Friday!

Simply pick out your favourite purple piece, donate £1 and show off your passion in purple! Don’t forget to tag us in your posts and use #ProudinPurple, so we can like, share and comment.

So grab your colleagues, your friends or just your fabulous self, and ‘Wear it Purple’ with us!

If you have team members working from home and want an easy way for them to take part and donate then take a look at the online giving site, Just Giving. https://help.justgiving.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002598077-A-guide-to-Team-Pages

Kieran Bridges

[email protected]
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