Smoking is everyone’s business!

Smoking is everyone’s business!

16:15 13 April in Member News

Help your employees to quit smoking with Yorkshire Smokefree service.

Caring for your staff makes good business sense.

Employees who feel valued are more satisfied in their job, increase productivity and reduce staff turnover.

Helping your workforce to stop smoking or to reduce their exposure to tobacco smoke is a very simple and effective way to show them they are valued.

Yorkshire Smokefree can help those employees, who live in Barnsley to improve their health and their family’s health and it won’t cost you a penny.

We can:

  • Provide FREE one to one support to staff via video, phone, or face to face consultations as well as our online quit tool.
  • Offer a variety of appointments that include evening and weekends for those staff who are unavailable to be contacted during work hours.
  • Deliver an information session to your employees via Microsoft teams
  • Train key members of staff to give Very Brief Advice on smoking
  • Help you promote Yorkshire Smokefree with paper and digital resources


Why support your staff to stop smoking?

Studies have shown:

  • Smokers are 33% more likely to miss work than non-smokers
  • Smokers are absent for an average 2.7 extra days per year than non-smokers
  • Smokers take an average of 3.9 extra breaks per day, each lasting 9.8 minutes. This equates to 4.3 minutes of each working hour
  • Time lost in breaks equates to lost productivity, this cost:
    • local businesses an average of £1,815 annually for each full-time worker
    • British businesses £5.8bn annually


Reducing levels of smoking among employees will help reduce some illnesses and conditions (such as cardiovascular disease and respiratory diseases) that are significant causes of sickness absence. This will result in improved productivity and reduce staffing costs. Studies have shown that 70% of smokers say they would like to stop. Employers who provide stop smoking support not only support their employees but also improve compliance with regulations around no smoking in workplaces and vehicles.

Stopping smoking can be a challenge, but with NHS support you’re three times more likely to quit successfully. We know that different things work for different people, so our free and confidential NHS stop smoking specialists can help find what’s right for you. We also provide advice and help to get stop smoking medications. For further information please Give Me call or visit the website:


  • Neil Carr
  • Healthly Life Advisor
  • Yorkshire Smokefree Barnsley
  • Kendray Hospital Oaks building
  • South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
  • [email protected]
  • 01226 644364 / 07795685536 / Visit the website:

Shane Young

[email protected]
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