Rotherham and Barnsley businesses urged to handle redundancies with increased care
A local HR expert is advising Rotherham and Barnsley businesses to not only carefully consider whether redundancies are necessary, but to handle the process delicately.
The UK is facing an unprecedented surge in planned redundancies right now.
Recent statistics reveal a staggering 54% increase in planned job cuts in the UK in the 12 months leading up to July.
Rotherham and Barnsley businesses are not exempt from this trend, and it’s crucial for them to approach these challenges with careful consideration.
According to Laura Reilly, HR expert and owner of Taurus HR Solutions, redundancy should always be viewed as a last resort.
With proper guidance and meticulous planning, alternative solutions may be explored before the difficult decision is made.
Laura said: “Redundancy can be a daunting process, but it should never be hasty.
“Proper planning sets the scene for a transparent and well-structured procedure.
“It’s important to gather all the necessary information and hold pre-planning discussions before you take any action.”
In situations where 20 or more redundancies are anticipated, collective consultation becomes necessary.
Laura added, “Collective consultation is all about inclusivity. Engaging all relevant stakeholders and planning wisely can relieve some of the anxiety associated with redundancy discussions.
“Objective criteria for selecting employees for redundancy is vital. The process should be fair and justifiable without discrimination.”
Laura continued, “While following employment law is crucial, showing empathy and support for your affected employees is equally important.
“Clear communication, keeping employees informed and helping them to find new opportunities can significantly impact the company’s reputation during challenging times.”
For a short time, she is offering free 15-minute consultations to local business owners, which can be used to discuss potential redundancy decisions.
These can be booked by visiting taurushr.co.uk.
Taurus HR Solutions outsources a full range of HR services to local businesses, as well as a number of learning and development courses.
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