Innovation in Recycling: Enviro Electronics’ Journey to ‘Electronic Waste Specialist of the Year’
Enviro Electronics is a Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) recycling company based in Doncaster and has been in operation since 2009. It was taken over in 2021 and seen a lot of change and rapid growth in this short space of time that provides a service to private and public sector organisations right across the country.
They are committed to supporting the cause to deliver net zero by 2050 and their ambition is to support as many businesses to do their bit for the environment by recycling more. This is therefore the reason why they are providing the full re-cycling service, right from collection through to processing and providing asset reports/data destruction certificates absolutely free of charge. This even includes the provision of bins and cages to store equipment in and there are no minimum quantities.
Their customers include NHS, Amazon, H&M, Doncaster Chamber of Commerce, Unipart Group, Councils (e.g. North Yorkshire) RNN, Roundabout, as well as medium sized to smaller businesses and over 3000 educational institutions.
They collect range from servers, PCs, laptops, desktops, telephone systems, on one end, to toasters, vacuum cleaners, fridges on the other.
They won “Electronic Waste Specialist of the year” at the Yorkshire Prestige Awards 22/23, were a finalist in the SME Doncaster Chamber Awards 22/23, won the Doncaster Chamber Green Awards 22/23 and won the Corporate Live wire Global Awards 23 for “Electronic Waste Specialist of the year”.
Other achievements include winning the UK Enterprise’23 Awards for Small Business, the Yorkshire 23/24 Business Awards “Electronic Waste Specialist of the year”, the Corporate Live wire Global Awards 23/24 “Electronic Waste Specialist of the year”, were finalists for the East Midlands Chamber ’23 Awards for “Collaboration and Partnership” and also finalists for the Doncaster Chamber Business Awards 2023 for “Local Impact of the Year” and “Green Business of the Year”.
One of Enviro Electronics’ key driving forces is giving back to the community, so much of the items collected is given back to the community to combat digital poverty. They were therefore please to come “Highly Commended” for “Business Community Impact” 2023 at the Barnsley and Rotherham Business 2023 Awards.
They are about to launch an exciting new service, supplying Top brand IT devices at extremely competitive prices.
For more information don’t hesitate to call them on 01302 376494.
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