Have your say on local needs in Barnsley and Rotherham

Have your say on local needs in Barnsley and Rotherham

15:06 02 July in Member News

Local charity South Yorkshire’s Community Foundation (SYCF) is conducting its annual survey into community needs and calling on local people in Rotherham and Barnsley to take part and give their opinions.

The charity’s 2019 Vital Signs survey is encouraging as many participants as possible, as locals know best what the needs are in the community they live in.

Last year’s report drew attention to everyday issues affecting local people, to showcase work that is already being done in South Yorkshire and to raise awareness, so more targeted efforts can be made to tackle these problems.

Thanks to the contribution of participants in last year’s survey alongside local and national statistics the report was able to give a well-rounded picture of the state of South Yorkshire.

These findings have enabled SYCF, which distributes funding to community groups, to award grants to the most urgent need areas and to work in line with what communities want for their area.

Research Officer, Sonia Bielaszewska said:
“The personal views we are calling for are invaluable to us and we are really grateful to everyone who takes the time to fill in the survey, which takes no longer than four minutes to complete!”

To take part in the survey, please go to: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VitSigns19

For the 2018 report, go to www.sycf.org.uk/vitalsigns/

kirsty arnold

[email protected]
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