Get your business carbon net zero-ready – for free
A fully funded carbon reduction action planning programme has been rolled out by business growth and support organisation, Go4Growth, to help micro businesses, SMEs and VCSEs plan and implement their carbon net zero journey. The programme supports businesses and the voluntary sector to create a compliant carbon reduction action plan
The Climate Change Act commits the UK government by law to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 100% of 1990 levels (net zero) by 2050. Being net zero means adding no more greenhouse gases to our atmosphere than the amount we’re taking out. Carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas, hence the term ‘carbon emissions’.
Over half of the UK’s largest businesses have committed to eliminate their contribution to carbon emissions by 2050, representing a total market capital of over £1.2 trillion and combined annual turnover of £700 billion, but thanks to Go4Growth, this goal is no longer out of reach for micro businesses, SMEs and VCSEs.
Developed in collaboration with sustainability experts, NETpositive Futures, Go4Growth’s carbon reduction action planning programme, includes an easy-to-use platform which will help businesses produce a compliant carbon reduction plan which can also be used in public sector bids.
To find out more or to register for the free programme, visit: https://go4growth.co.uk/carbon-net-zero
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