Embrace a new way of managing your energy bills

Embrace a new way of managing your energy bills

13:50 01 August in Business News, Member News

The past year has seen many big changes for businesses across Great Britain and around the world. While the impact of the pandemic is still being felt, business owners and managers have embraced the changes and adapted to new ways of working to protect their clients, their staff, their business and their bottom line.

Anyone who manages a business knows the importance of embracing changes, both big and small. A small change like switching to a smart meter could make a big difference to your business. While some changes may be short-term, smart meters are here to stay and will help your business, in the long-term.

Now more than ever, it is important for business owners to know how much they are spending to keep track of unnecessary energy waste or additional costs. Energy is a key expense, in particular for hairdressers, beauty salons and other close contact services, which makes it a crucial area for these businesses to save money and take control of their finances.

A smart meter could give businesses additional visibility over energy use and costs to make it easier to identify where changes and savings can be made.

If your firm has 10 employees or less, your business could be eligible.  To see whether smart metering can work for your business, contact your energy supplier.

To find out more please click here

Kieran Bridges

[email protected]
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