Businesses urged to help get Grimm on the road
South Yorkshire based children’s literary charity is appealing to local businesses to help them to take their provision on the road.
With Apothecary to the Magical and writers’ pad in Rotherham closed, due to COVID-19, the charity needs to become mobile to provide its creative interventions for children who really need the support.
Grimm & Co’s uplifting, creative activities are more in demand than ever from looked after children’s services, hospices supporting children with bereavement and children experiencing anxiety and additional education challenges exacerbated by the Covid-19 lockdown.
Deborah Bullivant, founder and CEO of Grimm & Co, said: “Our current premises have been closed because of the global pandemic and we are moving out of them over the summer and into a new wonderful building.
“This means that we need to find creative ways to continue to provide the magical life changing work that we do with young children.
“What we’d really love to do is to take Grimm & Co on the road. We could offer a mobile magical service and we are appealing to businesses to help us to get two vehicles.
“We need a Luton Van (or similar), which will allow us to take our mobile theatre out to school settings and provide our creative storytelling and writing sessions. We also need a quirky vehicle, this could be a horse box or a camper van or a mobile food cart, which would allow us to take our tents into community settings and provide learning, activities and even take our magical apothecary on the road.
“We’re not asking for money, we’re hoping that a business out there may have a vehicle that they no longer need that they could donate to us and we’d Grimmify it before taking it on the road.
“We need to make sure that the vehicle is one that can be driven on a normal driving license as our team members would be the ones driving it to locations across the region.
“We know it’s a long shot but with a sprinkle of fairy dust and a touch of magic, we might just get lucky!”
Grimm & Co’s magical apothecary is moving just up the road to the building that used to be Talbot Lane Methodist Church on Ship Hill in Rotherham and products are available online at www.grimmandco.co.uk, selling bottled Condensed Enthusiasm,
A Pinch of Happiness and tins of Disappointment. Every purchase supports the children’s writing charity which works to unleashed children’s imaginations and build confidence through creative writing workshops where they aim to change lives, one story at a time.
Grimm & Co was founded in 2014 to help to improve literacy levels across Yorkshire and Humberside and the charity has already worked with thousands of children and young people. Grimm & Co showcase the children’s work from published books through to professional performances, championing the writer in every child.
If you can help in anyway please do get in touch with Deborah directly by contacting her at [email protected]
For further information about Grimm & Co visit www.grimmandco.co.uk
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