Recycle for Rotherham
Local Charity Age UK Rotherham is appealing to businesses to hold recycling collections in their workplaces and help raise funds for older people in the community.
With environmental issues being high on the agenda for many, Age UK Rotherham has teamed up with Recycling for Good Causes and made it easy to recycle some of the more obscure items found around the home and office. The charity will receive funds for old cameras, mobile phones and tablets; jewellery and watches, stamps, and currency – items that are unused and often found taking up space in the back of cupboards and shelves, so it’s a great way to have a clear out and help a good cause at the same time.
Jack Burton, Assistant Manager of the Furniture Warehouse is managing the scheme, he said “Most people already sort their household rubbish into wheelie bins and pop down to the bottle bank to recycle, but there’s lots of other items that you can recycle and even better, you can do it to raise funds for older people in your community.”
“It’s so easy, all you need to do is get in touch to request a recycling box and it will be delivered free of charge to your workplace, along with some posters to advertise the scheme. Place the bin, which is the size of an average kitchen pedal bin, in your reception, canteen, or staff room, then when it’s full, just let us know and the bin will be collected for you.”
Taking part in the scheme can help to:
- Declutter the office
- Meet your business’s environmental objectives
- Fulfil your corporate responsibility goals
- Generate team spirit
- Gain publicity for your company
It’s such a great way to raise money for charity without taking it out of your budget or asking for financial donations or sponsorship from employees.
Items that can be recycled in the scheme include:
Jewellery and costume jewellery – including gold and silver as well as costume jewellery, it can be plastic, metal, or glass, in fact all types of jewellery in any condition are accepted.
Watches – either working or broken, they can still be recycled.
Currency – foreign and UK notes and coins of any age, even if it is now out of circulation.
Cameras and gadgets – old film and digital cameras, video cameras, games consoles, games and controllers, Satnavs, Mp3 players and iPods can all be recycled in the scheme.
Mobile phones and tablets – any make of mobile phone or tablet, working or not. (Unfortunately, not laptops.)
Stamps – any stamps, UK or foreign. Just cut off the envelope leaving a small border around the stamps.
Items for recycling can also be dropped off at the Charity’s Furniture Warehouse on Fitzwilliam Road, S65 1SL Tuesday to Friday between 9 and 4pm. For more information go to the charity’s website or contact Denise on [email protected]
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