Chamber News

South Yorkshire businesses Meet the Buyers

15 May in Chamber News, Construction, External Affairs

Barnsley & Rotherham Chamber’s Construction Forum hosted its annual exhibition earlier this month, attracting over 200 attendees from businesses across the Sheffield City Region. The exhibition, specifically designed for those operating and working within the Construction sector, was held on Wednesday, 2nd May in Rotherham and...

Growing numbers of bosses fear that late-paying clients could wreck their business

19 April in Business News, Chamber News

MANY MANUFACTURING and service sector firms are worried that late paying clients could wreck their business, according to a major study of business sentiment in Yorkshire. Almost two thirds of bosses at firms who responded to the latest Sheffield City Region Quarterly Economic Review (QER) said...

Chamber Keeps Tackling Transport Challenges

06 April in Chamber News, External Affairs, Transport

Barnsley & Rotherham Chamber of Commerce’s Transport Forum is working with a number of partners to improve our transport system for both commuters and businesses. Their Transport Forum balances its focus between long term strategic opportunities such as improvements to Trans-Pennine connectivity routes and nationally significant...