Business News

COVID-19 update British Chamber of Commerce

BCC Coronavirus Business Impact Tracker: Restart of the UK economy “still in first gear” with businesses operating at just half of normal capacity

22 July in Business News, Chamber News, Member News

Results from the latest BCC Coronavirus Business Impact Tracker in partnership with job site Indeed reveal that businesses are operating at half of their pre-Covid 19 capacity on average, despite lockdown measures easing. More than half cited reduced demand and possible future lockdowns as major...


16 July in Business News, Chamber News, Member News

The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) Quarterly Recruitment Outlook (QRO), in partnership with Totaljobs, is the UK’s largest independent survey of labour market conditions, based on more than 7,400 responses from businesses across the UK. The report’s findings reveal the impact Coronavirus has had on the...

Barnsley Employment Helpdesk

01 April in Business News

There is a new service available for residents of Barnsley, during these difficult times, many Barnsley residents are unfortunately facing uncertainty about their current and future employment. Barnsley Council’s Employment and Skills service has joined forces with Enterprising Barnsley and other employment support providers and have developed a simple,...

Love Barnsley Town Centre – COVID-19 Update

23 March in Business News

Information provided by Love Barnsley Town Centre e-Newsletter 20th March, original found here Barnsley Market to temporarily close on Mondays and Tuesdays until further notice: home delivery service now available  Barnsley Market will close temporarily on a Monday and Tuesday in response to COVID-19. This is to allow...