The imminent introduction of quarterly reporting, as part of H M Revenue & Customs’ Making Tax Digital initiative, will pose a major challenge for all businesses owners. Some businesses will need to commence quarterly reporting as early as April 2018, and yet many business proprietors are unaware of exactly what it will involve.
David Edwards-Brown, the Managing Director of DEB Chartered Accountants, which has twice won the Barnsley and Rotherham’s Digital and Creativity Business Award, will deliver a seminar on this major change that will impact upon all businesses. The seminar will cover details of exactly what will be expected from business owners, when they will have to comply with the new requirements, the additional costs that they will be faced with, and the alternatives open to them in adhering to the new requirements.
DEB Chartered Accountants is at the forefront of creating digital accounting solutions to help businesses. Sign up for this valuable seminar now and learn how you can minimise the cost of complying with the new challenges that you will soon face.
4 people are attending Tech Tuesday – Making Tax Digital
4 people are attending Tech Tuesday – Making Tax Digital