Mark Woodward, Director at Community Works, will be providing a presentation on the £3.6 million low carbon project, SCR New Energy, that will grow the local energy market; increasing demand for Low Carbon Environmental Goods and Services and developing the associated supply chain.
The project is funded by the European Union ERDF low carbon programme and by match-funding from participating private and public sector organisations. It has been approved by the Department for Communities and Local Government at outline stage with final approval anticipated shortly.
This free to attend event will provide the chance to find out what companies are doing in the industry and opportunities for partnerships or supply of services/goods to each other.
Businesses across the region are invited to attend and light snacks/refreshments will be provided on arrival.
Free parking at venue.
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More information about Community Works and Mark Woodward:
Community Works has developed similar projects, which are at various stages of approval, in other regions of the country including Cornwall, Tees Valley, North East and a multi-LEP project in the east of England.
Mark Woodward has practical experience of low carbon project management and construction at his other business Green Directions where he has installed 2 wind turbines, solar panels, ground-source heat pumps, rainwater recycling, retrofit insulation (floor, roof and wall) and under-floor heating.
35 people are attending Free Construction Networker
35 people are attending Free Construction Networker