Chamber HS Plus

This service complements Chamber HS giving you extra help and support.

Get up to date with your Health and Safety legal obligations

Professional advice and documentation on a range of health and safety issues to your business implement good health and safety practices.

Your business can receive all of the following:

  • A compliant Health & Safety Policy
  • A description of the law and considerations relating to the major pieces of legislation covering Employment Law and Health & Safety
  • Access to over 160 downloadable policies, forms, documents, letters, templates and fact-sheets
  • Preferential rates for bespoke Human Resource and Health & Safety Consultancy
  • Template Organisation and responsibility documentation
  • The facility to develop a Health and Safety Management System
  • The potential to benefit from lower insurance premiums
  • Unlimited access to a 24 hour, seven day Human Resource and Health & Safety advice line

Contact Quest on 01455 852028.