Author: Shane

Local expert firms, Utility Planners UK and IMS Heat Pumps in partnership to deliver low carbon options and make buildings in the UK greener.

22 April in Member News

Expert firms from Sheffield City Region, Utility Planners UK (Rotherham) and IMS Heat Pumps (Sheffield), have launched a new partnership to deliver low-carbon options for Utility Planners UK customers. Expert utility consultants, Utility Planners UK, have responded to increased demand from both domestic and commercial clients...

ENGIE Supplies Inspiration to Rotherham College Students

19 April in Member News

Rotherham College Construction students who took part in a week-long virtual work placement with leading energy and regeneration specialist ENGIE have been enriched and inspired by the experience. Over five days three students studying plumbing, carpentry and joinery learned about the company, about the workplace, important...